Physical Quality and Stability of Body Scrub Preparation Salak Pondoh Fruit Extract (Salacca edulis Reinw.) with Emulgator of Stearic Acid and Triethanolamine
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Body Scrub, Salak Pondoh, Stability TestAbstract
Salak pondoh fruit contains flavonoids that can be used to counteract free radicals. These flavonoids act as antioxidants which can regenerate dead skin cells, so salak pondoh fruit can be used as a body scrub. This research aims to determine the physical quality and stability of body scrub preparations from salak pondoh fruit extract with stearic acid and triethanolamine as emulgators. It is an experimental study with a single group design. The amount of salak pondoh fruit extract used in body scrubs was 0,1%. The physical quality testing carried out includes organoleptics, homogeneity, dispersality, pH, viscosity, and emulsion type, while for the physical stability testing, the cycling test method was used, including the storage method in a refrigerator with a temperature of 4ºC and storage method in an oven with a temperature of 40ºC for 6 cycles or 12 days. Based on the physical quality test result, the body scrub is white, semi-solid, distinctive aromatic odor, homogeneous, with a pH value of 6,00, a dispersion power of 4.71 cm, a viscosity of 9095 cps, and an emulsion type of O/W. The physical stability test results indicate that the body scrub is qualified on all tests (organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, emulsion type, viscosity, and dispersion). The analysis with a paired sample t-test shows a value of >0.05 for the dispersion, pH, and viscosity tests. It can be concluded that the body scrub preparation meets the requirements and retains its stability in storage.
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