PHARMADEMICA : Jurnal Kefarmasian dan Gizi
<p><strong>PHARMADEMICA : Jurnal Kefarmasian dan Gizi</strong> is an Open Access Scientific Journal published by LPPM-KI Politeknik Kesehatan Putra Indonesia Malang (POLTEKKES PIM, formerly AKAFARMA-AKFAR PIM). <strong>PHARMADEMICA : Jurnal Kefarmasian dan Gizi</strong> publishes original research article in all areas of :</p> <ol> <li>Clinical Pharmacy</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Chemistry</li> <li>Pharmaceutics</li> <li>Community Pharmacy</li> <li>Pharmacognosy</li> <li>Phytochemistry</li> <li>Pharmaceutical Analysis</li> <li>Biochemistry</li> <li>Clinical Nutrition</li> <li>Community Nutrition</li> <li>Functional Foods</li> </ol> <p><strong>PHARMADEMICA : Jurnal Kefarmasian dan Gizi</strong> accepts submissions all year round. Editorial board receives the articles from the educators, observers, researchers to be published after having selection, peer review, and serious editing. This journal publishes a manuscript written in Indonesian, twice a year in March and September.</p>LPPM-KI - POLTEKKES PIM (Formerly AKAFARMA-AKFAR PIMen-USPHARMADEMICA : Jurnal Kefarmasian dan Gizi2808-3970Profile of Patient Satisfaction with Pharmaceutical Services in Mabarrot MWC NU Wringinanom Clinic
<p><em>The health service system is tasked with providing services to patients related to pharmaceutical preparations, including pharmaceutical services. If the procedure is in accordance with the standards and codes of ethics that have been set, health services can satisfy every patient. Patient satisfaction surveys are needed to improve the quality of service, and satisfaction is the level of patient feelings that arise as a result of the performance of health services obtained after the patient compares it with what he expects. The purpose of this study was to determine how satisfied patients are with the pharmaceutical services they receive at the Mabarrot MWC NU Wringinanom Clinic by looking at the level of performance and expectations. Sampling is based on the Purposive Sampling technique. The five dimensions of satisfaction, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibility, each have four question items from 20 questionnaire questions. With the results of the study, a score of 3.32 indicates that they are very satisfied with patient expectations, and a score of 3.15 indicates that they are said to be satisfied with performance.</em></p>Muhamad Aulia Putra TawakalFarida AnwariAdinugraha AmarullahReza Aaliyah
Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Aulia Putra Tawakal, Farida Anwari, Adinugraha Amarullah, Reza Aaliyah
2024-09-262024-09-264111310.54445/pharmademica.v4i1.50Use of Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone (PVP) as a Binding Agent in Granule Formulas: Literature Review
<p><em>Granule preparations are lumps of small particles that are uneven in shape and become single, larger particles. The process of making granule preparations uses a technique, namely granulation. In the granulation process, a binder is needed to unite the powder particles into a granule preparation. The binder material that is often used is polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP). The use of PVP is able to produce an optimal granule preparation that meets the requirements. This research reviews the use of PVP as a binding agent in making granule preparations. This research method uses a literature study method in the form of primary references in the form of national journals from the last 10 years searched in the Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect databases. Search for this data source using the keywords Use of PVP as a binding agent in granule preparations. The results and conclusions of the research show that the use of PVP as a binding agent in granular preparations can produce preparations that meet the requirements.</em></p>Rusiana Yulia SafitriWeka Sidha BhagawanCicilia Novi Primiani Primiani
Copyright (c) 2024 Rusiana Yulia Safitri, Weka Sidha Bhagawan, Cicilia Novi Primiani Primiani
2024-09-272024-09-2741142210.54445/pharmademica.v4i1.56Testing the Antibacterial Activity of Snail Mucia (Achatina Fulica) Against Escherichia Coli Bacteria and Testing Total Protein Contents
<p>Snails (Achatina fulica) have mucus whose main contents include beta agglutinin, Achasin protein, oacharan sulfate and glycoconjugates. Snail mucus can also treat wound infections in the digestive tract and surgical site infections (SSI), one of which is caused by Escherichia coli bacteria. This research utilizes the antibacterial content in snail mucus to inhibit Escherichia coli bacterial colonies and determine the total protein levels in snail mucus. The antibacterial activity test used the disk diffusion method and analysis of total protein levels in snail mucus was analyzed using the biuret method with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer and albumin as a standard solution. The research results were entered in tabular data and analyzed descriptively. The results of quantitative tests on the antibacterial activity of snail mucus showed that there was antibacterial activity of snail mucus against Gram negative Escherichia coli bacteria with concentrations of 100%, 50% and 25% having clear zones of 14, 11.88 and 8.66 mm respectively. The results of calculating the total protein content using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer method were 11%. This test produced a high total protein content</p>Larasati Rambu OtuIswandi IswandiDestik Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2024 Larasati Rambu Otu, Iswandi Iswandi, Destik Wulandari
2024-09-272024-09-2741233610.54445/pharmademica.v4i1.54Physical Quality of Coffea Bean (Coffea Robusta) Ekstract Solid Soap
<p><em>Soap is a cleaning product produced from the reaction between oil or fat with potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide base. Based on its consistency, soap is divided into two types, namely liquid soap and solid soap. Solid soap is more often used by the public. Utilization of natural ingredients as an innovation for soap is still rarely done. The content of coffee is able to prevent premature aging of the skin, function to smooth the skin, and neutralize irritated skin. This study aims to determine the physical quality and pH of solid soap mixed with coffee extract. Production of coffee extract using the maceration method with 70% ethanol solvent. This type of research is descriptive, with the aim of knowing the physical quality and pH of solid body soap by adding coffee extract. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the results of the evaluation of the physical quality of the coffee extract solid soap preparations fulfilled the physical quality test requirements, which included organoleptic tests, water content tests, foam stability tests, and pH. </em></p>Misgiati MisgiatiRahmat Ardianto
Copyright (c) 2024 Misgiati, Rahmat Ardianto
2024-09-292024-09-2941374410.54445/pharmademica.v4i1.55Analysis of Formaldehyde Content in Nail Polish That Is For Sale In Wonogiri City Market
<p>Nail polish is a pigment that is deposited in a volatile solvent to cover the natural color of the nail and as an attractiveness enhancer that uses formaldehyde. Formaldehyde (H<sub>2</sub>CO) with the trade name formalin solution, which functions as a nail polish hardener, so that the nail polish is more adhesive and thicker. This study aims to determine whether nail polish preparations traded in the Wonogiri city market contain formaldehyde with levels that exceed the limit according to the Regulation of the Head of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2015, which is <5%. Qualitative analysis used resorcinol reagent, while quantitative analysis used UV-Vis spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 550 nm. The sample used in this study was nail polish taken from the market in Wonogiri, 9 samples with sample codes A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. The results showed that 9 samples of nail polish studied meet the requirements of the level limit of less than 5%, with the largest level obtained at 3.349% for the code I sample and the smallest level at 0.750% for the code E sample.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: nail polish, formaldehyde, UV-Vis spectrophotometry</em></p> <p> </p>Deitra Aprilia AndriastutiM. Ali NasikinRegia Desty Rakhmayanti
Copyright (c) 2024 Deitra Aprilia Andriastuti, M. Ali Nasikin, Regia Desty Rakhmayanti